Assore recognises that our ability to create value over the long term depends on managing our mineral reserves and production processes sustainably while meeting market expectations.
Our purpose to create sustainable value for the Assore community acknowledges the importance of considering the legitimate and reasonable needs, interests and expectations of our material stakeholders.
Our approach to sustainable development is aligned with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), which define global priorities and aspirations for 2030 and beyond to safeguard the world’s natural resources, economies and societies.
Our approach
We recognise the importance of balancing the economic, social, and environmental dimensions of our business. Ensuring their harmonious coexistence is fundamental to our dedication to long-term sustainability.
Our sustainability approach is rooted in our commitment to creating sustainable value for the Assore community through responsible mining and high-quality mineral supply. We engage with our stakeholders, considering their needs and expectations while emphasising innovation and continuous improvement in our operations. Our sustainability strategy revolves around four core pillars: people, environment, local communities, ethics and governance, which are all integral to our decision-making.
Our values and governance structures guide our actions, reflecting our dedication to ethical leadership and respect for the environment and society. We recognise our role in not only minimising negative impacts but also contributing positively to growth and development in the areas we operate, ensuring the long-term sustainability of our communities and company.
Sustainable Development Goals
Our approach to sustainable development is aligned with the SDGs, which defines global priorities and aspirations for 2030 and beyond to safeguard the world’s natural resources, economies and societies.
We identified 13 priority SDGs where we have the most significant opportunity to contribute. These have been embedded into our vision and strategic focus areas.
Find out moreOur focus areas
Our people
Supporting employee safety, health and well-being and developing our human capital.
The safety, health and well-being of our employees and contractors is an ongoing priority. Constantly striving to improve our safety performance, and continued emphasis on occupational health, hygiene and employee wellness.
The group’s material investment in skills development builds organisational capacity and helps employees to realise their full potential. Improving the representation of historically disadvantaged persons (HDPs) is a priority and equity candidates are prioritised when filling positions that open.
Our environment
We are committed to environmental responsibility and mitigating our impacts on the natural world.
Improving water and energy efficiency and securing a consistent supply of these essential resources improves self-sufficiency and reduces our carbon footprint.
We are continuously assessing and discussing the future paths, both short and long term, necessary to achieve a net-zero contribution to climate change.
Our communities
Assore makes a significant investment in infrastructure, education and training to improve the living conditions and prospects of the people in our host communities. These projects align with the targets underlying our priority SDGs and include investments in infrastructure, education and training.
Assore participates in several collaborative industry structures that aim to address issues affecting communities around our operations where many of our employees live. These include upgrading local roads and bridges, limiting the number of trucks on the roads in high traffic periods, upgrading bulk water infrastructure, refurbishing police stations, assisting law enforcement in building capacity and contributing to effective public order policing.
Our ethics & governance
Assore is committed to ethical behaviour and has zero tolerance for bribery and corruption. Appropriate measures have been implemented throughout the group to prevent and detect fraud, supported by internal and external audits.
Cybersecurity remains top of mind and we run regular simulated phishing attacks to test our IT systems and train all employees.
Kitso Ya Boleng
Assore and the Boleng Trust have established a flagship project called Kitso Ya Boleng, a non-profit company, which offers quality education and training opportunities in Potchefstroom.
Where we are
Assore’s operations and strategic investments span across continents, with mining operations and headquarters in South Africa.
Our structure
Assore fosters collaboration and strategic alignment across the Group. With a focus on operational excellence and strategic diversification, we continue to expand our footprint and create sustainable value for our stakeholders.
Our commodities
Our diversified portfolio of products optimises end-to-end value. Our Products are vital for driving worldwide economic expansion.
Patrick Sacco
Executive Chairman